As the monthly practice visits, so excellently organised by Luke Tozer, would not be taking place until at least September, it was proposed that Chris Dyson and John Assael lead a series of “Practice Support and Information Sharing” events, named “Surviving in a Changing World” on the normal date when these would take place; 6 April (adjusted for Easter), 11 May, 8 June, 13 July, and if felt necessary, 10 August.

    Next meeting agenda:

  • What should WCCA be saying about the city?
  • Public spaces around nodal points etc?
  • Covid19 and the workplace/cultural buildings E.G. cultural mile Concert hall and museum of London
  • Transitioning back into the office – a hybrid model.
  • Permanent distant working requests.

[email protected] is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Surviving in a Changing World
Time: Jul 13, 2020 06:00 PM London
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Password: wcca

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