WCCA Common Hall - 16:30 - 17:30
As part of our Royal Charter, we are required to hold an annual meeting, known as a "Common Hall".
The purpose of this meeting is to update members with key information including;
Welcome from the new Master, Review of the Year by the Immediate Past Master, Financial Report, Report from the Charitable Trust, Report from the Temple Bar Trust, Update from Committee Chairs, Q & A
In-person places are limited and available to be booked on the link below on a first come, first served basis. All are most welcome however and online attendance is possible.

Master's Reception - 18:00 - 20:00
Please join the new Architects' Company Master Chris Williamson and his wife and Consort, Dr Karen Maloney, for a convivial evening at Temple Bar London.
The evening will include drinks and canapés. There will be a short presentation about the history of this unique Christopher Wren building and the work undertaken in the past year to maximise the building's potential as a meeting, educational and dining venue in one of the best positions in the City.
Places are limited - booking at the links below.
The evening will conclude around 8.00 pm.
Business/Smart Casual Attire.