Installation of our new Master and Lunch on 26th September 2024
Annual Installation Service at St Lawrence Jewry and Lunch at Saddlers' Hall on 26th September 2024
This is a special day, when we install our new Master. Giles Murphy will be installed as the Company's 39th Master.
The timetable is as follows;
9.30-11.15 Installation Court meeting (Court Members only)
11.30-12.15 Installation Service at St Lawrence Jewry Church- All Welcome to the Service, which is free to attend
Note that you may attend the lunch even if you cannot make the Service
12.30-13.15 Pre Lunch Drinks Reception at Saddlers' Hall
13.15-15.00 Lunch at Saddlers' Hall
This year we are providing a two course lunch so as to the reduce cost and to make it easier for those who have to return to work!
The cost is £95 a head.
Dress code: Business attire