Alderman Vincent Keaveny has been elected as the 693rd Lord Mayor of the City of London and the 2021 Lord Mayor’s Show is on! 

It begins at 11am on Saturday 13 November 2021.

The Show dates back to the early 13th century, when King John rashly allowed the City of London to appoint its own Mayor. He insisted that each newly-elected Mayor should come to Westminster and swear loyalty to the Crown, and the Lord Mayor of London has been making that journey for over 800 years. Around him (and her) grew up the noisy, colourful, joyous procession that over the centuries became known as the Lord Mayor’s Show.


This year’s Show includes full-size model elephants, Japanese drummers, a horse-drawn bus, the tallest fire engine in Europe and of course, the Lord Mayor’s splendid State Coach, the oldest ceremonial vehicle in the world still in regular use. 

The Architects' Company will participate in the Modern Liveries Float and this year we will be represented by the Master, Mr Philip Cooper, Renter Warden, Mr Chris Williamson and Student Member, Oscar Enoch.

Why not make a trip up to the City to enjoy the proceedings. It is usually televised on the BBC too.

More information can be found here

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