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Membership Information for Potential Members

The Architects’ Company: Membership offer

The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects (the ‘Company’) is a modern livery company of the City of London.  The overall objective of the Company is to promote the development and advancement of the science, art and practice of architecture in the City of London the UK and globally. The Company was founded in 1985 and granted livery status in 1988. It ranks 98th in the order of precedence for the City of London Livery Companies. The Company currently has around 250 members, including 175 liverymen. It includes members from many of the leading architectural practices in the UK, widely acknowledged for their design excellence, both nationally and internationally, as well as past and serving RIBA Presidents. Most of its charitable work focuses on promoting architecture and architectural education, including sponsoring and mentoring students and, in the future, apprentices. The Company supports education through awards and prizes as well as through a range of charities related to the City.
Membership offer:
Participation in the heritage, traditions and governance of the City of London including, for Liverymen, attendance at Common Hall to elect the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and other City officials, as well as the opportunity to participate in the Lord Mayor’s Show.

Fellowship and friendship through an annual programme of prestigious Company and Civic, banquets, dinners, lunches and other informal social events.

Business development, networking and Continuing Professional Development opportunities, including monthly Practice visits; an Annual Lecture by a leading practitioner and two Architectural study weekends each year; usually one study weekend takes place in the UK and the other overseas.

Promotion of the profession through the City Building of the Year Awards and our initiative to position London as a ‘Global Hub’ for architecture.

Opportunities for charitable giving, primarily to the WCCA’s Charity, (which supports architectural education and outreach work), and opportunities for engagement with Schools of Architecture and for mentoring students of architecture.

Current projects and key activities:
Publication and promotion of our acclaimed new book " The Livery halls of the City of London" The granting of a Royal Charter by Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Establishment of an independent Charity, Temple Bar Trust, to lease and manage ‘the Architectural Gateway to the City,’ Temple Bar in Paternoster Square, next to St Paul’s Cathedral.

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