Clerk - Cheryl Reid - [email protected]

Assistant Clerk - Lyndon Jones - [email protected]

Master of Students - John Assael

Deputy Master of Students - John Bushell

Almoner - Stuart Le Sage

Beadle - Michael Myers

Accountants - JCA Chartered Accountants

Senior Steward - Rosemary Curry

Stewards - Sandra Papworth, Nicholas Rowe

Trustees of the WCCA Charity

David Cole-Adams - Chairman

Stephen Wagstaffe

Dr Stuart Le Sage

Giles Murphy

John Assael

Clerk to the WCCA Charitable Trust - Audrey Hesse

Trustees of the Temple Bar Trust

Peter Murray - Chairman

Lucy Bullivant

Richard Brindley

Philip Cooper

Barry Munday

Canon Dr Geoffrey Purves

Andrew Reynolds

Michael Stiff

Nicholas Waring

Giles Murphy

Cheryl Pilliner-Reeves

Education & Outreach Officer - Grant Smith [email protected] 

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